by Stephanie Morrill

Stephanie writes young adult contemporary novels and is the creator of Her novels include The Reinvention of Skylar Hoyt series (Revell) and the Ellie Sweet books (Playlist). You can connect with her on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and check out samples of her work on her author website.

For the sake of simplicity, I’m going to refer to characters with female pronouns. I just don’t want to do the whole “he or she” thing all the way through.

These are five questions you can ask your character that will help deepen your understanding of them. Don’t limit yourself to your main character; those other characters have opinions too!

1. What object does your character value that she would never willingly give up? (Story bonus points: How can you make her give it up?)

2. When she wakes up in the morning or falls asleep at night, what does she dream about? Worry about? What’s always on the back of her mind?

3. What is her biggest weakness? How can she face that in the story?

4. What is her happiest childhood memory?

5. What can your character do at the end of the book that she couldn’t do at the beginning?

If you’d like, post one of your answers below!

Don’t forget, today’s the last day to enter the “Every word he spoke was a lie” 100-word contest.

Have a great weekend!