Hi, writers! Shan, Jill, and I are off for the next couple weeks to enjoy our kiddos during their holiday break. We’ll be back Monday, January 7th, but before we go, here’s are 4 things we want to tell you:
We are so grateful for you!
We’ve had the best time reading through the feedback from the survey. You guys are so thoughtful with your compliments and your criticism. What an honor to get to hang out with you all!
I’ve emailed the winners of the 1,000 word critiques. If you weren’t one of them, there will be more chances in 2019 to receive feedback on your work. Many of you indicated you would like that, and we took it to heart!
Go Teen Writers: Edit Your Novel ebook is on sale!
Or if not quite yet, it should be soon. (Make sure to check before you click “buy”)
From now until January 2nd, Go Teen Writers: Edit Your Novel will be $1.99 on:
We want to stay in touch with you!
On the survey, some of you were surprised to find out about some of the ways to connect with us, so here is a comprehensive list of all the ways we can connect with each other:
Social media:
Go Teen Writers Community Facebook Group: This is a fabulous group for meeting other young writers! We do have to approve you, and you’ll expedite the process if you email us to let us know that you’ve applied. (GoTeenWritersCommunity(at)gmail.com)
via Email and the Website
Sign up to receive new blog posts in your inbox. This is a great way to make sure you never miss a thing. To sign up for this, look for this on the left sidebar:

Subscribe to Go Teen Writers Notes: This is our newsletter that goes out every couple weeks, in case you need even more honesty, encouragement, and community than the blog is providing! Plus you get a free tutorial on making a Story Workbook.

Lastly, here are our favorite 18 posts from 2018:
How To Make Time And Space For Writing by Stephanie
What To Do When Your Ideas Are In Someone Else’s Book by Jill
The Value of First Thoughts by Shannon
How To Effectively and Efficiently Do Research For Your Historical Novel by Stephanie
5 Things To Know About Your Main Character by Jill
Genre Conventions and Reader Expectations by Shannon
5 Guidelines For A Great Chapter Two by Stephanie
How To Plot Your Story and Create a Loose Outline by Jill
Discovering Your Theme by Shannon
10 Tricks For Rocking Your First Draft by Stephanie
Three Ways To Start Your Novel Pitch by Jill
Drafting A Book One Scene At A Time by Shannon
How To Craft High Impact Scenes for Your Stories by Stephanie
Writing a Book Proposal by Jill
How To Read Like An Author by Shannon
How To Make Sure Every Character Counts In Your Story by Stephanie
How To Write Back Cover Copy For Your Book by Jill
How To Identify and Correct Info Dumps by Shannon
Wow these look like great posts! I don’t always get to check up on posts so I will go back and read some of these. 🙂
We understand! And sometimes it’s helpful to revisit even if you did read it back when we posted!