I’ve recently dived into writing Hunger, book two in the Thirst Duology. I recorded a video of my process for writing a sequel for my Instagram TV channel and thought I’d share it all with you.
So that is my process for writing a sequel. What’s yours? Do you have any tips to share? Any questions? Share in the comments.
Jill Williamson is a chocolate loving, daydreaming, creator of kingdoms, and the author of several young adult fantasy novels including the Blood of Kings trilogy. She loves teaching about writing. She blogs at goteenwriters.com and also posts writing videos on her YouTube channel and on Instagram. Jill is a Whovian, a Photoshop addict, and a recovering fashion design assistant. She grew up in Alaska without running water or electricity and now lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband and two kids. Find Jill online at jillwilliamson.com or on Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter.

Thank you so much for this video, Jill! I’m editing the first book in a planned trilogy currently, and I’m so excited to write the sequel. Your video made me even more excited! And now, I also have a launching point with different steps to work with when I write it, so, thank you!
You’re welcome, Adi. I’m glad it was helpful. 🙂
I’m still writing the first draft of my story, and now I’m scarily obsessed with finishing so I can go to the next book in my planned trilogy. Thanks for the video!
Oh no! Didn’t mean to sidetrack you, Ally. Stay focused! You can do this.
This is awesome and extremely helpful!
I am at the “deepen the plot” spot in my first draft right now and am having trouble knowing if I’ll be able to fit everything in one story or if I’m going to need a sequel.
I have plenty of ideas either way my story turns and with this advice I should be able to pull off the sequel if need be!
Thank you so much, Jill!
This post was amazing and very helpful thank you so much! I know in my planned trilogy that I’ll definitely be making a sequel (obviously ?) and this will definitely come in handy when I start on it! Thanks again and just from watching it makes me want to read thirst and then hunger when it comes out! Also did you find that worksheet you showed us in the video or did you make it? And if you made do you have like a template maybe it looks very helpful honestly ? thanks again for this amazing post!
The second word should be post ??♀️ Sorry about that
Lydia, that is perfectly normal…at least for me. I had two hilarious misspells in a snippet of my story. One of them was: “She belted for the door.” instead of “bolted”. ?
The other: “The man’s poster relaxed.” instead of “posture”.
You’re not the only one! ?
Has anyone else had hilarious misspells that they almost wish they could leave because of how silly they are? ?
Sorry, this is a really random comment! And I’m sure those misspells are nothing compared to people that have been writing for way longer than me
?? that is absolutely hilarious ? my favorite thing that happens is that when your just writing and everything’s fine and then you go back to read through it and your like ??? what in the heck did I write??? P.s that happens sooooo much ? and thanks Maria!
I fixed your typo, Lydia. I have superpowers! 😉
I made the spreadsheet in Excel, but you could do the same in Google Sheets. Simply drag the columns to the width you want them to be, then fill in the blanks. Maybe I could make a How To post for that next week. Would that be helpful?
That would be really helpful thanks so much! And again amazing post great job! It was extremely helpful and I will definitely come back to it when I write my sequel!
Great video! I loved the idea of making lists and a calendar. I’ve attempted a sequel for two different books and neither made it very far. Now what I’m writing I want to be a trilogy, and I can’t wait to get started on the second book.