Hello, Go Teen Writers community. It’s with mixed feelings today that we tell you this is our last post on Go Teen Writers for the foreseeable future.
Go Teen Writers has been around since 2010 and has always been a labor of love, but fourteen years is a very long time to post weekly about writing, and both of us are looking forward to devoting time to other writing projects.
We will continue to send out Go Teen Writers Notes on a monthly basis, so if you want to keep in touch with us, please make sure you sign up.
From Stephanie
Go Teen Writers started waaaaay back in 2010, when I kept getting questions from teen writers. How do I get published? How do I know if my work is any good? How do I meet other writers? I was only 26 and my debut novel had come out the year before. I didn’t know much (certainly not as much as I thought I did!) but I knew what would’ve been helpful for me to know when I started pursuing publication, and so I started writing posts about that.
When Jill and I started writing together on Go Teen Writers (and when Shannon joined us several years later) we were united by our deep enjoyment of spending time with teen writers, as well as our belief that we could be honest about the hardships of the writing life while also being encouraging. And that learning about writing and being in community with other writers shouldn’t come with a hefty price tag, especially not for a young writer.
Having been around here for fourteen years, I’ve had the privilege of seeing teenage writers turn into twenty-something writers. I’ve seen unpublished writers sign contracts and achieve their dreams. There have been those who grew up reading Go Teen Writers, and then came back to teach, now that they’re out in the literary world as adults.
I never had any plans for what to do when I felt like the work here at Go Teen Writers was complete. Most blogs don’t have an intentional end, but we are all storytellers here, and we know the value of a good ending, don’t we?
Good storytellers know that the best endings hint at a new beginning. While Jill and I are closing out this chapter of our lives, we’ll also be creating space for new beginnings. I will be in touch about that on my author website and emails, and I hope you’ll keep me updated on your writing life as well!
From Jill
Ack… This has been a hard decision for us. We did not make it easily or without much agonizing prayer. I’m so grateful Stephanie invited me to come blog here all those years ago. I was (at the time) blogging for teens on my own site, and collaboration made sense. Little did I know I would be making a lifelong friend. Writing is such a solitary endeavor, and working with Stephanie (and later Shannon too) has brought much joy and meaning to my life.
I’m a teacher at heart and loved help new writers along the way–especially teens. Writing is not only a great deal of fun, it’s one of the best ways to grow as a human and wrestle with the hard things of life. So, I’m always excited to meet new writers who are trying to find their way. It has been an honor to mentor, advise, and make introductions for different writers over the years. It’s delightful to see many of them multi-published and still writing today.
Stephanie is right. While this season here is closing, she and I both have much planned for the future. You know me, I’m the Randomizer who likes to live “In Development.” Here are a few things currently in development with me.
1. I’ll soon launch a Kickstarter for a 10th Anniversary Expanded Edition of Storyworld First. One of the reward tiers will be a worldbuilding course.
2. My Sunrise authors and I are putting together a street team for the 4 Blood of Kings Legends books that will come out next year.
3. My husband and I are producing a short film this April. It’s our first SAG-AFTRA project, and we are SO excited. Follow our new production company here.
I’ll be sharing updates on everything in the Go Teen Writers monthly newsletter, but you’re welcome to sign up for my monthly author newsletter here.
Memories from over the years
Thanks for hanging out with us and for making Go Teen Writers a great place! We have loved spending time with you and will miss our weekly chats and hearing about what you all are working on. Please feel free to email us and let us know how it’s going at GoTeenWriters(at)gmail.com. Both of us will be checking email there, so don’t be a stranger!

Wishing you much joy and many words!
Stephanie and Jill
Aww… I was so hoping this was secretly going to be a post about writing an ending and not what it sounded like…
Thank you so much for all the wisdom and insight you two have shared over the years. I definitely won’t be staying out of the GTW archives! I can’t wait to see what the two of you have in store, and I wish you both the best… even if it leaves me sniffling on Wednesday mornings.
Love you both, and God bless!
We’re grateful for you, Hannah!
The archives are gold! I’m in them all the time. Haha. Thanks for being a part of our community, Hannah! <3
This is my first time here. Believe me when I say I love what I’m seeing. I wish you guys all the best.
I literally just started reading this blog two weeks ago but I really loved it. I can’t believe it’s over, but I’m so happy for you both! I hope you enjoy you’re new projects ladies. I will continue reading your old blogs and books and missing your tips like crazy.
Thanks for many helpful posts, prayers for you both!
Sorry about the timing on that! Fortunately our archives are vast!
Aww, man! Welcome, anyway. We’re glad you found us. And there is so much content in our 12 years of archives. Keep in touch via email if you have questions! And keep on writing. 🙂
So sad to hear the blog is coming to an end! I learned so much from your books and from the blog. I’m glad though that you have helped so many of us teen writers succeed in our writing. Thanks for so many amazing and inspiring posts!
God bless,
It’s an honor to be a part of your writing journey, Cate!
So grateful that you found us and found help and community here, Cate. <3
I began following your blog sometime around 2014. I entered many of your contests and avidly read your blog posts throughout my later teen years. 10 years later and, although I am no longer a teen writer of fiction, I am now working on a PhD in anthropology/ethnomusicology, a decision inspired by my lifelong love for writing and for telling people’s stories. Thank you for your posts and for investing in this community! You will be missed.
I recognize your name, Sophia! Best of luck on your PhD. That’s amazing!
Sophia, that is amazing! The world needs all kinds of stories. Cheering you on! <3
Go Teen Writers was such a huge support and encouragement for me when I started writing and throughout the years since. You guys have poured so much into the community, and this blog has always been my number one recommendation for writers of all ages. Thanks so much for everything you’ve given!
We appreciate you, Gillian! You’ve been a valued voice here for years!
Love you tons, Gillian. You’re amazing. <3
What an amazing 14 years it’s been! GTW is a resource I direct writers to ALL THE TIME, and that certainly won’t stop. You ladies have put together such an amazing site, and as the chapter ends and you move on to new things, I know all these words you’ve written and shared will continue to bless young writers. Such an honor to have watched GTW grow, done guest posts here and there, and worked with several GTW alums over the years as an editor and designer! Can’t wait to see what you both (and all the GTW community!) do next!
Thank you for commenting on those early, early posts so that I didn’t feel like I was talking into the void!
It’s been a lot of fun, Roseanna. So grateful to you for all of your contributions over the years. <3
I first found Go Teen Writers not long after it started, when I was around 14 years old. I can still picture the original blog design and header! I’m no longer a teen (not even close!) but I just wanted to share how formative Go Teen Writers was to me as a young writer. This blog gave me a solid foundation of writing and publishing knowledge and spawned huge breakthroughs in my writing and my aspirations. Go Teen Writers was not just a resource, but really functioned as a mentor to me, something my tiny, rural, low-income school could not provide. Since being a teen writer, I’ve gone on to earn a Master of Fine Arts degree in Creative Writing, have had short stories published in respected literary journals, am working on drafting my ninth novel, and plan to start querying literary agents this year. I don’t think I would have accomplished any of that if Go Teen Writers hadn’t been there to foster my love of craft and my career aspirations from a young age.
So, thank you! I can never say thank you enough. I’ll always be grateful for the support and the community that Go Teen Writers gave me a teen, and I’m sure innumerable other young writers (and formerly young writers, ha!) feel the same. The blog archives will certainly go on to support and educate teen writers for years to come! All my best wishes to you ladies!
Jessica! So good to see your name show up in the comments! Thank you for making Go Teen Writers such a great community to be a part of. It’s an honor to have been involved in your writing life!
The header with the old-school typewriting buttons or one from even before that? (I always picture the typewriter buttons…) Thanks for sharing this story with us, Jessica. So glad you have been a part of Go Teen Writers all these years. <3
Oh, this makes me so sad! Go Teen Writers was one of the very first writing resources I found very early in my writing journey and most of the others I’ve found have been through GTW! You guys have been such a huge part of my writing journey and perhaps my favorite resource. I’m so sad to see the end, but I’m on the email list and can’t wait to see what comes next for both of you!
Ellie, we’re sad too! I’m so glad that Go Teen Writers has been a helpful place for you over the years. Keep in touch!
It makes us sad too, Ellie. We’ve both shed tears over this, I promise, because we love you all so much. I’m so glad this blog has been a help to you on your writing journey. You know where to email us! 🙂
A sad day but what a beautiful post. Thanks for all the great posts and bringing together a community. I’ve known Jill since 2011, and this blog since at least 2014, and what a treasure this place has been, one I still direct people to. Blessings to you both in your endeavors moving forward. <3 (And hugs to all the fellow readers of this blog reading this. <3)
It’s a sad day for us too, Deborah. We’re grateful that the website isn’t really going anywhere. We think it’s a treasure too!
Thanks for those kind words, Deborah. It’s been a lot of fun. So glad I got to meet you all those years ago! Consider yourself hugged, as well. <3
I began reading Go Teen Writers some ten years ago now, and it’s been a giant in my writing life ever since. I learned to write here. I grew up here, from a 13-year-old dabbling in fantasy to an almost-23-year-old pitching books to agents and preparing to start a blog of his own. I am so, so grateful for everything you’ve done and for the community you created. GTW will always be in my top writing resources of all time!
We’ve been so grateful to have you in our community, Colin! Looking forward to watching what you do next.
So glad you found us all those years ago, Colin. Cheering you on as you submit to agents! <3
While it’s sad to say “goodbye,” I completely understand needing to make this decision. The three of you have done so much over the years! Thank you for all the posts and comment replies and encouragement. I’m glad that you have all the archives available to refer back to and that you aren’t “disappearing” completely.
I’ve benefitted from this website over the years and now I’ve been using your posts to teach teens at my library how to better their writing. Thank you! <3
Thank you, Jaime. I’m so glad that Go Teen Writers is helpful in your own teaching!
That’s awesome, Jaime. We’re so glad the blog has been a help to you as a writer and in your work with teens at the library. That’s fantastic. <3
I’m sorry to hear that GTW is coming to an end, but I certainly understand feeling the need to move on. I haven’t been around in this community as much as I used to, but y’all provided a lot of encouragement and great advice and lessons when I was younger and a regular reader, and your 100-4-100 challenges have helped keep me writing during some of the busiest months of the year. So thank you for that. Wishing you all the best in all that comes next!
Thanks so much, Sarah! I’m so glad Go Teen Writers has been a helpful place for you!
The 100-for-100 challenges helped me too! I’m glad the site was an encouragement to you when you were younger. Thanks for your kind words! <3
I can’t remember when I started reading Go Teen Writers or even how I found it…but I do know how much it has helped me along in my own writing journey. I’ve learned so much along the years about writing. Thank you so much for the invaluable time and energy that you put into this. I know I wouldn’t be the writer I am now without this site! I wish you all the best!
It’s an honor to have contributed to who you are as a writer, Emma. Thanks for hanging out with us!
So glad the site was a help to you, Emma! And that you found us! <3
I am long past my teen years, but have been reading this blog for years and years and it has been one of the GREATEST tools in my writing journey. I started reading it when I first got serious about learning the writing craft and the clear guides you all offered and encouragement along the way were invaluable to me. All your work here was one of my biggest stepping stones to truly understanding the craft but also knowing I’m not alone in all the trials and discouragements being a writer brings.
I will greatly miss this dear blog, but I completely understand needing to let things go and making space for other things. It is a hard thing to do but an admirable one.
Thank you both so much for all the immense hard work you’ve poured into this space. Thank you for helping young writers reach for and respect their dreams. Thank you for giving back so much. You are both such a blessing and I know there is so much more goodness to come from you each. <3
What? *Sniff* 😭Wednesdays won’t be the same without you!
I’ll try not to think of this as a dark night of the soul though…instead, I will try to be grateful for all the help you’ve given me and countless other writers. I got a scholarship to go to Teen Author Boot Camp this march, which I never would have got if I hadn’t found out about it from y’all. So thank you, you don’t know how much I mean that. I somehow always thought you would keep writing articles forever, but I guess nothing really lasts forever. I wish you well on all your next adventures, thank you, I’ll miss your wonderful advice and encouragement.
Farewell. 😔
Journey, that’s so exciting! You’ll have to email us and tell us all about how TABC goes!
If we were going to write articles forever about anything, it would be about writing, and for anyone, it would be teen writers. It’s been a joy and an honor.
Thank you, I will!
Journey! TABC is SUCH fun. I got to speak there once upon a time. Brandon Sanderson was the guest speaker, and I was a ridiculous fan… I hope you have an amazing time! Thank you for your kind words. Cheering you on. Please keep in touch! <3
I know, I saw that article and I was SO jealous! Also happy for you, I love his book Skyward, it’s the BEST! I wish you were going to be there so I could meet you! (And Stephanie too!)
Christine, thank you so much for your kind words! It has felt like a sad choice to make, but also the right one for us as individuals. Thanks for making Go Teen Writers a great place!
Christine, I’m so glad the blog has meant so much to you. We will miss you all and hope that you keep in touch with us! Thanks for your kind words. <3
I haven’t really been writing or interacting on here for a while now, but this blog was a really invaluable and safe space for me when I was a young writer. Thank you so much for providing that. Warmest wishes to all of you in your future endeavors!
I’m so glad we could be around for your younger years, Jason! Thanks for taking time to leave a comment!
Jason, so glad Go Teen Writers was such a place for you! Thanks for sharing that. <3
Aww, this is sad, but I understand. We all have to make hard decisions and sometimes let go of things we love in order to pursue new things. I remember when I first found your blog and was fascinated. The awesome thing is the archives will exist to go through. A few of my favorite writing blogs are old archives. Thank you for all your hard work and teaching.
Tonya, thank you so much for being in our community and making Go Teen Writers such a great place to be!
Thanks for your kind words and understanding, Tonya. And for being such a big part of Go Teen Writers over the years. <3
I read this blog every week for years, and the Go Teen Writers books were my first introduction into the publishing world. I am so thankful for this website and excited for your futures! Thanks again!!!!
Thank you, Natalie! I’m so glad you found Go Teen Writers to be a valuable resource!
So glad we were able to introduce you to the world of publishing, Natalie. Cheering you on for your future too! <3
Thank you for everything you have shared over the years. I remember when I was a teen and first found Go Teen Writers, probably around the end of 2012, I felt suddenly like many of the things that had been impossible before were possible. When I had the tools to make real progress with my writing, and I finished my first longer story, it really changed my perspective on what I could be capable of in all parts of my life. Writing has been such an important part of my life since then.
Thanks again, and have fun exploring your next chapters!
I love that we were able to be a part of that perspective shift. Thanks for taking time to comment!
So glad we helped make writing possible for you and that you’ve grown so much as a writer. That is fantastic. Thanks for your kind words. Cheering you on! <3
I am so sad! I only found out about your blog a few months ago, and I wish I could have been here longer. You have given me such good advice on everything, even convincing me to keep writing when I thought I never could think of a story again. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! God bless your next step! 🙂
Keep at it, Evangeline! And the archives will still be here when you have questions. You can also email us whenever! Thanks for hanging out with us.
We’re glad you found us, Evangeline. All that advice isn’t going anywhere. Cheering you on as you continue writing. Keep in touch! <3
Aww I’ll miss your posts, but wishing you both the best in this new season of life. Thank you for all you’ve done for so many young writers!! God bless.
Thank you, Lorelei!
Thanks for your kind words, Lorelei! God bless you as well. <3
I’ve been a fan of your blog since 2013! I discovered you through “One Year Adventure Novel” and you’ve been a fantastic source of advice and discovery. Thank you so much for your dedication and generosity all these years!! <333
OYAN is a very close second for our favorite writing community 🙂 I’m so glad you’ve found Go Teen Writers to be helpful over the years!
Three cheers for OYAN! Thanks for your kind words, Ellana. Glad you found us. <3
Oh, I’m so sad! This blog has been such a blessing in my writing journey, but I completely understand that you need to make time for new things. Thank you so much for your instruction, encouragement, and advice. I am so grateful. 🙂
We’re grateful for you, Clara! Thanks for hanging out with us!
So glad the site has been a blessing to you, Clara. Thanks for your kind words. <3
Hello! I read this post, got very, very sad, and decided to post a comment, for the first time, to tell you how much GTW has helped and inspired me.
A close friend gave me your Go Teen Writers: Write Your Novel book about two years ago. I learned so, so much from it and it really inspired me to try to write more intentionally. Much miscellaneous writing and one almost-complete novel later, I cannot overestimate how much your books and blog have helped me learn about both the technical-and-less-technical aspects of writing. About a year ago, I joined the email list for your blog posts and they’ve been so, so helpful as I write and learn about writing. If it hadn’t been for your books, I’m not sure I’d ever have decided to start writing.
I am immensely grateful for all the passion, humor, skill, and wisdom you’ve poured into GTW. I want to thank you both for spreading information, encouragement, and love for writing through your books and this blog 🙂
I’m wishing you both the very best as you move on to whatever wonderful things you do next.
Ruby, thanks so much for leaving your first comment! I’m delighted to hear that you’ve almost finished your novel! Please email us and tell us when you’re done so we can celebrate with you!
Ruby, I’m so glad you found us and that the books and the blog have been a help to you. Thanks for making your first post. 🙂 We will still be sending out the monthly newsletter. And please do let us know when you finish your book. How exciting that you’re nearly there! <3
This was so sad! But also, I totally get it. You guys have put so much work into GTW for years—and for free! Thank you for giving so much of your time and knowledge. It’s been a blessing to so many. Enjoy your well-deserved “retirement”!
Thank you for understanding! We’re really sad but also grateful for what a wonderful community we have here.
Thanks, Jeremiah! We’ve had a blast with you all. And we’re so, so glad that it’s been a blessing to so many. Please do keep in touch! <3
I will forever miss you guys. Your posts have helped me so much in the years I’ve been following this blog, and I will definitely continue to come back here to read old posts. I look forward to your monthly updates, and I pray you will be blessed in your future endeavors.
Thank you so much, Katherine! I’m so glad the work we’ve done here on Go Teen Writers has been helpful to you.
Katherine, we will miss you all too! So glad the blog has been helpful to you over the years. Please keep in touch with us! <3
I was sorry to see this email in my inbox… May I ask whether 100-for-100 will still run this year and in the future?
I’m not sure yet. If it does, I’ll announce it in Go Teen Writers Notes, so make sure you’re signed up for that.
Thank you!
Thanks for all the help you’ve given me throughout the years! You guys have taught me so much. The original GTW book was my first glimpse into the publishing industry and the ability to see the big picture when it came to writing. I actually finished my first WIP while doing the 100-for-100. I appreciate all of the time you’ve dedicated to this blog, and I know I’ll definitely continue referring to previous posts and my copies of your books for more guidance. Can’t wait for the monthly updates to come! I hope you guys enjoy whatever projects await you!
Riya, thank you so much for your support. I remember you finishing your book during the 100-for-100! Such a huge milestone!
Thank you for sharing how GTW has been a help to you, Riya. I love that you finished your novel with the 100-for-100 challenge. Cheering you on as you continue to write. Keep in touch! <3
The advice and encouragement from Go Teen Writers has been and will continue to be a tremendous help on my writing journey. I’ve learned so much about characters, plotting, dialogue, editing, etc. The topics were explained in a way that was both interesting and easy to grasp.
Go Teen Writers was also a great help to me as a reader. Through The Lost Girl of Astor Street, I discovered the Christian fiction and clean romance genres. Now, I’ve found many more stories to enjoy (and upcoming books to anticipate) that I wouldn’t have known about otherwise.
Thank you Ms. Morrill and Ms. Williamson for all the time and effort you put into this blog over the years. Wishing you all the best on your future projects!
Phoebe, I’m delighted that Go Teen Writers has been helpful to you both as a writer and a reader! The community here has been such a source of joy for both of us.
Phoebe, I’m glad you learned so much here to help you as a writer. And Lost Girl is one of my favorite books, Phoebe! I’m so glad that book helped you find more books to read. Thanks for your kind words! <3
I’m not gonna cry, I’m not gonna cry, I’m not gonna—too late.
GTW is the bedrock of everything I learned as a writer. I remember discovering it in high school during a trip to my grandparents. I sat on their couch *binge-reading* archived posts and driving my family nuts over my constant commentary about how it was the COOLEST THING EVER. You opened an entire world to a writer who had zero connections or a concept of where to start. All I knew was that I wanted to write, but had no one with experience to teach me until I found GTW. By the time I got to college, I breezed through Creative Writing because you had already taught me so much. You all taught me Save the Cat, explained queries and proposals, introduced me to the magic of action beats, and instilled a philosophy of good storytelling.
Seriously—you kicked open the doors for everything I live and breathe now. I’m so glad I got to meet Jill and Shannon—and maybe one day I’ll meet you, Stephanie!
I’m so glad you’re keeping the archive. I send people here all the time, whether they’re teens or not.
Thanks again for everything! And best of luck on your next endeavors!
Jenneth, I really want to hug you right now! I’m so grateful you found us and that we were able to open up the writing world for you. You are amazing, and I will continue to cheer you on as you write. Hope to see you again sometime soon. <3
Don’t worry Jenneth, you’re not alone! I cried too! 😢 It excited me so much as well! If I knew where you lived, I would come hug you! (Um…now that I think about it that sounds kind of creepy, sorry!) Anyway, best of luck on all your writing journeys!
Jenneth, this is SO meaningful! I love that it’s been such a helpful place for you over the years. Hope to meet you someday!
Awww, thank you so much for having this blog! It has helped me even for the little amount of time I was part of your community
I’m so glad, Maggie. The archives are vast, fortunately!
I totally understand! At first I was super worried, because I thought Go Teen Writers was coming to an end! I’m so glad it’s not. I’d much prefer monthly posts than never posts. Do what works for you girls!
Also, I was unable to comment this on the article “Help, My Story Idea Is Too Ambitious!,” but I really loved that post! It has great ideas, and I was literally thinking the same thing for a few of the steps! (Such as Right it Wrong; I was certain it would be on there!)
Love you lots!! Thanks so much for all you’ve done and will do! Good luck with your story projects!
Hi, Harmony! Yes, so long as you’re signed up for Go Teen Writers Notes, you’ll still hear from us!
And due to dumb spammers, I finally turned off comments on posts older than two weeks. It was just too much work to always be cleaning out spam! And yes, that’s one of Gillian’s best posts, I think!
Thank you so much, Mrs. Morrill and Mrs. Williamson! Your blog has been a goldmine for me—from finding posts by my favorite authors to learning something completely new.
I’m sixteen and thanks to the gift of “Write Your Novel” for Christmas one year, I’m a writer.
I’ve loved every one of these blog posts and it means so much that you’ve poured all this time into us.
Thank you!