I’m currently sitting in the lobby of a surgery center waiting for my husband’s procedure to get underway. It’s minor, routine surgery that will help him breathe through his nose better … but it still means very sharp objects near his eyes and brain. Both of which I happen to like. So I’m a wee bit nervous…

Let’s focus on happy stuff. Like:

Emily Rachelle: I finally worked through a very sticky, somewhat boring, and slightly info-dump scene in my WIP.  This particular scene put the whole project on hold for a couple of weeks.  It’s not anywhere near good enough for the book, but of course, that’s not the point of first drafts 😉  On another note, I then got to write one of my fave scenes in the same WIP! A very sweet reward for getting through the sticky parts, if you ask me.

Indeed! Congratulations on pushing through that tough part.

Don’t forget your writing prompt entries are due next Wednesday. And if you missed it yesterday, Betsy St. Amant was here giving us a peek at her writing process and giving away a copy of her latest release, Addison Blakely: Confessions of a PK. There’s still time to get entered for that.

Also, I saw on Tuesday that Novel Rocket has opened their contest for unpublished writers. Novel Rocket (once Novel Journey) has been featured three times in Writers Digest’s Top 101 Websites for writers and are a really great source for published and unpublished writers alike. There is an entry fee, $35, but every writer who enters receives a professional critique of their chapters so it’s a good investment. If you’re at the place where you’re starting to wonder, “How does my writing compare to others who also want to be published?” a contest like this is a great place to start. You can find more details on their site.