by Stephanie Morrill

Once a month on Go Teen Writers, we’re lucky enough to have a group of authors take the time to answer a writing question. This month’s question is:

Do you ever make writing goals for yourself? What kind of goals do you make and how often?

When I’m nearing deadline, a have a minimum word count number per day, and try to do 1000 words before I do anything else (email, Facebook, shower). That jump-starts me and sets the tone for the whole day’s productivity.

When I’m drafting, I have a goal of 2,000 words per day, five days a week. I don’t always meet that goal, but having it in place helps me know if I’m ahead or behind. When you’re working on a deadline you can’t afford to be behind for too long.

Absolutely! Without goals, I’m not sure I’d ever get anything done! I’m a big fan of checklists, too. There’s something so satisfying about checking something off a list. Done! I set a daily goal of 1,000 words. If I’m on deadline and I miss that goal, I know I have to make up for it in the days to come. I also set reading goals because I believe continuing to read is an important part of being a writer. My goal is to read at least 24 books a year. I’ve fallen short the last few years, as I’ve written more than one novel during that year, but I get close. I also set goals to attend a certain number of conferences each year (I teach at several writers conferences throughout the year). I also set goals for other projects––volunteering at a homeless shelter, antique/flea market shopping and decorating projects, traveling to different parts of the country (and hopefully world!) These are fun things, but I consider them work-related because they broaden my horizons and hopefully make me a more interesting person, which in turn, makes my novels more diverse and more interesting.

I usually make writing goals when I’m on a deadline. I figure out how many weeks I have until my deadline and divide that into the amount of word count that I have left. That tells me how many words a week I need to write to meet my word count by deadline.

All the time. They are like New Year’s resolutions. I never keep them.

I lost motivation while writing my most recent chapter. I had to say to myself, “Ok, write two more pages, and then you can hold the pet bunny.” My soft, cuddly rabbit is a great motivator.

Sometimes I set a monthy goal — either word count or page count — or a far-off-in-the-distance completion date. Mostly I don’t pay any mind to personal deadlines, unless it’s for an obligated assignment. I tend to write as it comes to me and finish up, well, when I’m done.

What about you? Do you set writing goals for yourself?