Stephanie and I decided to start “Inspirational Tuesdays and Thursdays” in which we’ll post some of our favorite quotes with you guys and share how those quotes have impacted us.

Here is one that a friend gave to me in a frame for Christmas. Talk about a clever gift for a writer!

When I first started out, Diana Sharples was my closest writer friend. She and I were both writing for teens, we were both prolific, and we were both beyond tenacious in our journey to be traditionally published. She and I got each other through a lot of frustrating and exciting times. And for several years, we ran an online critique group that had as many as thirty different writers. I loved that group. And I think about all those authors every once in a while and wonder how they’re doing. Good times.

How about you? Do you have a special writing friend or friends? Give them a shout out in the comments. And maybe even drop them a note to let them know how much you appreciate having them in your life.