Artistic fields can be tough. We create from the depths of our soul, yet if we are to be successful, we must put our work out there to be judged. This quote from Harper Lee is excellent advice. As artists, a thick skin can shield us from some of the cruel comments that will, inevitably, come our way. But we would also be wise to keep our self-worth separate from our creation. Just because someone dislikes your book, that doesn’t mean that person also dislikes you. While our creation is so much a part of us—in many ways like a child—any criticism feels personal. But we must remember that the criticism is about the work, not about who we are as human beings. This is something I (Jill) have to remind myself weekly, sometimes daily.

Do you struggle with criticism? If so, remember to keep your self-worth separate from your creation. It’s not always easy, but it can help.