I’ve been fighting this week. And it hasn’t been pleasant. Fights never are—at least not for me.

Who have I been fighting with? My story.

I’m currently at around 107K. I’m shooting for 160K. And I’m stuck. I’m in a battle with this story in my head. I know what needs to happen, yet for the past several days, every time I sit down, I’ve got nothing. No fire. No steam. No words. Emptiness.

The blank sheet of paper is winning.

But it won’t win forever. I will continue to fight. I will find my muse again. And Neil Gaiman’s prediction about the blank paper winning will fly out the window as I cover those pages with another 53K. I will be triumphant. I must. Because I am a writer.

Have you ever had days, weeks, or even months where the blank sheet of paper won?