by Jill Williamson

Have you ever done that thing where you have a cool idea, but you’re saving it for the end of the book or for book two or three or some other sequel? I have. Too often. But as I was stuck on the ending of my most recent book, it became abundantly clear that I needed more coolness. I racked my brain trying to come up with ideas, and then it hit me. Oh yeah. Those cool ideas I was saving for book two. If I used them in book one, things would make a lot more sense.

Then, of course, I worried. But what will I do in book two?

But here’s the thing… Who cares about book two? If book one isn’t amazing, no one will read book two! Maybe I’m overreacting, but you get the point. This quote from Annie Dillard says it much better.

So I did this. I gave it all. Gave everything I had. And the book, I think, is better for it. Book two will take care of itself when the time comes. Thankfully, I have a few months to think up some good ideas.
Have you hoarded good stuff for the end of the book or for a sequel? Use your best stuff early, then stretch your creative brain to think up something new when you need it.