Stephanie here. In case you missed it, back in September we started a writing challenge where writers signed up to write 100 words everyday for 100 days.

My daughter, who turned seven during the challenge, was one of the participants. We did really well for a couple weeks, and then life got in the way and progress became much more sporadic. But McKenna did write 2,104 words of a story that she never would have without the challenge. The same is true for a lot of you too. Maybe you didn’t finish the challenge, but it encouraged you to write more than you would have without it. And we think that’s awesome.

Those who completed the challenge wrote a collective 2,933,744 words. Amazing.

The writers who wrote the most during the challenge are:

Catherine McClatchie: 178,634
Olivia Rivers: 157,400
Kendra E. Ardnek: 135,776

The age group that had the most finishers was those age 16-18, with 31 finishing.

Here’s the complete list of writers who completed the challenge:

Adrianna Ewing
Aidyl Ewoh
Aley mcgrath 
Alyssa M.
Amanda Fischer
Anna Kienstoy
Arende W.
C L Farrelly
Cari M.
Caroline K
Cassandra Lauer
Cassie holcombe
Catherine McClatchie
David S
Deborah O’Carroll
Elizabeth Hemingway
Elizabeth Liberty Lewis
Elle L. 
Emily B.
Grace M.
Hannah Mummert
Hannah White
Havilah H.
Heather Hufford
Hope S.
Ivory Rowan
Jessica J.
Joy S.
Julia Nashif
Kara L.
Kelsey Girvan
Kendra E. Ardnek
Keturah Lamb
Kyra Lyn Moss
Laura Beth
Lauren G
Lena K
Liam H.
Lila Draconis
Lily Jenness
Linea M.
Lisa Canfield
Lydia Hope D.
Mary B
Melody Faith
Morgan B.
Morgan. N. J.
Natalie M.
Olivia R
Rachael Wells
Rebekah Gyger
Robyn Hoode
Sarah P.
Sarah R
Sarah Sackett
Sofia Marie
Tori Margaret
Trini S.
TW Wright
Victoria Grace Howell

Congratulations, everyone!