by Stephanie Morrill

I sometimes feel sad for non-writers. How do they survive the tedium frequently involved in social gatherings? In my 31 years, I’ve been trapped in so many conversations where the pointlessness would set my teeth on edge if I wasn’t able to think to myself, “I can use this. This girl’s ego apparently has no end, but I can use this.”

For all the frustrating things about being a writer (I would love to be able to watch a bad movie and not grow angrier every second as I think about how easily it would have been to improve it. Anyone feeling me?) the ability to take the good and bad from life and re-purpose it is a lovely bonus. Same as a found artist turns trash into art, we’re able to do the same with our experiences.

One of the gifts of being a writer is that it gives you an excuse to do things, to go places and explore. – Anne Lamott Bird by Bird

What’s something from your real life that you’ve been able to re-purpose in a story?