Jill here.

Thinking today about ideas, and how when I get one I like in my head, I really, really want to work on it. And even though sometimes I can’t work on it, because I’m under contract, the idea just won’t go away.

This is how it is for me. I have some ideas that I love to daydream about. The scenes continually play out in my head, over and over. Does that ever happen to you?

Well, I say, if an idea won’t leave you alone, pay attention to it! It clearly wants to be written. (And is trying to DEMAND to be written.) If you can’t work on the idea now, at least take some time to jot down a list of the thoughts and scenes that are building in your mind. That way, you will have them all filed away for later so that when you DO have time, you will be ready to write!

What ideas are hounding you right now?