by Jill Williamson

One of the reasons I first started writing fiction was because I saw on the news that there were some Christians in Southern California who were burning Harry Potter books. This annoyed me on many levels. As I was stewing, I thought to myself, “Hey! Maybe I should write a book. I would try to make it creative and fun like Harry Potter, but I’d write it from a Christian worldview.

That’s what I set out to do with The New Recruit. It was my first book. Project Gemini was my second book. I spent the first three-and-a-half years of my new writing career on those two books. I was so close to them that I finally had to set them aside and write some other books. Years later I was able to come back and rewrite them and see them published. Which was a very nice feeling.

What book do you want to read that hasn’t been written yet? Have you written it already? Are you working on it right now? Or is it a book you’re still dreaming of? I find that before I even finish a book, I’m already daydreaming about the next book I want to read (and therefore write).

Share one of your “I can’t wait to write it” ideas in the comments below. Mine is Onyx Eyes. I started writing it on my blog over a year ago, and ever since I’ve been DYING to get back to it. *sigh* Someday.