We are super proud of these writers for finishing the 100 words for 100 days writing challenge!

Taïsha Chéry
Jessica Johnson
Justine Morris
Melissa Gravitis
Rebekah Gyger
Emily G
Cameron E.
Tracey Dyck
Ash Scott
Kat Stulpin
Taylor Marshall
Faith Potts
Lydia C.
Savannah Perran
Ruth Ellen
Lydia DeGisi
Lydia Harrison
Sarah Taleweaver

These writers wrote at least 100 words a day every day for 100 days, and many of them wrote even more than that!

The writers who wrote the most during the challenge were:

Melissa Gravitas: 92,012 words
Ash Scott: 73,492
Savannah Perran: 70,391

Amazing! For being in our top three, these writers earned their choice of a 1,000 word critique or a 20 minute Google Hangout session to talk over writerly things.

Three other finishers won their choice of several books, and the winners were Lydia Harrison, Kat Stulpin, and Tracey Dyck. Congratulations!

If you’re curious about what it’s like to do the challenge, Tracey Dyck wrote a summary of her experience, and it’s a really interesting read about persevering. Thanks, Tracey!