Congratulations to the writers whose entries were chosen for the top ten semifinalists in our 3,000 word contest (listed alphabetically):

Ansley Hills – The Outpatient
Bernadette Holmes – Forget the Taste of Blood
Caitlin Eha – Journey to Valtasia
Charlotte Feechan – Azren
Colin Cannici – The Book of the Sea
Kady Cossins – Work of My Hands
Lydia Carns – The Good Adventurers
Melissa Gravitis – Golden Revenge
Olivia Farnsworth – Death Song
Taylor Bennett – Porch Swing Girl
Judging this contest was agony–in a good way! You guys simply blew us away. You are all so talented and creative. We each struggled over having to choose only ten semifinalists, and then after reading each other’s top choices, we agonized over how to decide which three finalists to send to Roseanna. Ultimately, these are the three finalists we chose:

Ansley Hills – The Outpatient
Charlotte Feechan – Azren
Kady Cossins – Work of My Hands
If your name isn’t on the above lists, please don’t be discouraged. Judging is a very subjective process, and like I said, you are all so very talented, it was terribly difficult to choose between your marvelous stories. We are immensely proud of you all and honored that you shared your writing with us. Thank you for entering the contest and be encouraged! You guys are fabulous writers. Keep at it!

Everyone will be receiving an email from Stephanie in the next couple days with your feedback. We had 79 entries to this contest, so please be patient. That’s a lot of emails to send!
Our three finalists will receive further instructions about putting together their entries to send to the amazing, talented editor, Roseanna White, who will choose our winner

Congratulations, everyone! Job well done.