by Stephanie Morrill | Jul 13, 2020 | Beginning Writer's Guide To Finishing A Novel, Editing, Theme
The word “theme” can still cause shivers because it calls up my memories of high school English when I had to identify elements like theme or symbolism in five paragraph essays. (The only thing worse was analyzing poetry.) Those essays always left me...
by Stephanie Morrill | Jul 6, 2020 | Beginning Writer's Guide To Finishing A Novel, Characters, Editing
I hope our U.S. writers had an enjoyable and safe 4th of July! Ours was weird with fireworks shows cancelled, but I did go to a friend’s house and watch Hamilton on Disney+. After years of hearing about how great the show is, I was happy for the opportunity to...
by Stephanie Morrill | Jul 3, 2020 | Guest Posts, Reading, The Craft of Writing
Taylor Bennett is a dandelion-wishing, world-traveling lover of books, words, and stories. Based in the PNW, she dreams of seeing the world and writing stories set in unique locations. Although she dreams of traveling to many different places, her favorite destination...
by Stephanie Morrill | Jun 29, 2020 | Writing
Stephanie here. I’m so excited we have Shonna Slayton with us today! Shonna has written a book on fairy tale retellings, which I know many of you write! Not only does she have wisdom to share today, she is giving away two copies of her ebook Lessons Learned From...
by Stephanie Morrill | Jun 26, 2020 | Characters, Guest Posts
Stephanie here! We are so thrilled to have Roseanna with us today! Roseanna and I have been friends since 2007 when we met at the American Christian Fiction Writers conference. We both had baby bumps, the same red briefcase, and were much younger than most attendees...