NaNoWriMo Day 17 Check-In

I only allowed myself to write 2,000 words today, because there were a few things I had been ignoring that I just could not ignore any longer. Like the emails piling up in my inbox. Or the way I vanished from social media these last weeks.One thing I had neglected to...

NaNoWriMo Day 16 Check-In

Hi, writers!I wrote about 1,900 words this morning. I’ve found that I’m much faster when I take about five minutes to write a brief summary of the scene I’m going to write. Have you found any tricks that are helping you get words on the page?If you...

NaNoWriMo Halfway Check-In

Writers, today is day 15 of NaNoWriMo! You are halfway done! How has today gone for you?If you’ve participated in NaNo before, I’d love to know if you’ve found the first half or the second half of the month to be the easiest.

NaNoWriMo Day 14 Check-In

Hey, writers!Hope you’re getting in lots of words today. Hard to believe we’re nearly halfway done with NaNoWriMo!I did a little over 2k in the 90 minutes that my baby slept this morning. I wrote zero words yesterday, so I need to catch up. Hopefully I get...

Your Novel Is Like A Body

Stephanie here! I’m happy to introduce Abigail Mouring to you all. Today, she’s offering us a unique perspective of how to view your novel. I think you’ll enjoy it!Abigail Mouring is a sophomore in college who loves linguistics, Charles Dickens, and...