Plotting by Landmark

Plotting by Landmark

I’m not an outliner. The very idea of making decisions on behalf of my characters before I hear their voices in my head makes me itch. I write to find these things out. To do it any other way feels like planning out all my rest stops on a road trip–a waste of time....
Coming Back to the Page

Coming Back to the Page

This is a reprise, a post that went live on this site just about one year ago today. After talking to both Jill and Steph this week, I’ve realized we could all use these reminders once again. It’s not easy coming back to the page! Many of us are regrouping...
Writing Exercise: Exploring Wonder

Writing Exercise: Exploring Wonder

What have you all been reading this summer? I’ve been trying to catch up on my YA fantasy stack and I’ve been so pleased with what I’ve read. So much wonder! It’s one of my favorite elements in a fantasy novel. The circus that appears out of...