by Shannon Dittemore | Jun 21, 2019 | Author Life, Getting Published, Writing
I have news! Four years ago, in November of 2015, I had a story idea. It was a risk for me. Something totally different. But something that FELT like a story I should commit to. It was a fun idea. An idea that had me excited. I desperately wanted to explore the...
by Shannon Dittemore | Jun 14, 2019 | Creativity, Getting Published, Writing, Writing a Series, Writing Life
Most of my books start out untitled. I save the manuscripts to my computer as something bland and obvious. Angel Eyes was saved as Shield for the longest time and Broken Wings was called Book 2. My upcoming novel (which I should be able to announce NEXT WEEK, fingers...
by Shannon Dittemore | Jun 7, 2019 | Mailbag
Today, we’re tackling another mailbag question. Natalie G. asks: How do you keep yourself motivated to finish a story? I write anything that comes to mind but I can never stay on it. It’s difficult for me to keep writing, any tips? I’m really trying...
by Shannon Dittemore | May 31, 2019 | Writing Exercise
SCHOOL’S OUT FOR SUMMER! At least it is for my kids. To celebrate, I’ve got a fun little writing exercise for you. I’m going to give you a prompt sentence with fifteen words in it. Complete the prompt in this way: Your next sentence must have...
by Shannon Dittemore | May 24, 2019 | Encouragement, Goals, Writing, Writing Life
This post originally ran in May of last year, but as I just experienced a HUGE win with my kids, I was thinking about all the failure that led to this very specific success. And I thought it was worth discussing failure as a necessity once again. As writers, failure...