by Shannon Dittemore | Feb 1, 2019 | Author Life, Getting Published
Over the past few weeks, I’ve noticed how often I refer to “my team.” The excessive references are an outworking of what’s going on in my professional life right now. I’ve had some exciting changes and forward momentum on my projects. Hopefully I can let you all...
by Shannon Dittemore | Jan 25, 2019 | Author Life, Creativity, Productivity, The Craft of Writing, Writing Life
We are creatures of comfort, aren’t we? Especially when we’re tasked with doing something that stretches us. If we’re going to run a marathon, we need sneakers that fit perfectly and shorts that don’t rub in all the wrong places. When we’re going on a long road trip,...
by Shannon Dittemore | Jan 18, 2019 | Author Life, Getting Published, Writing Life
“Have you always wanted to be a writer?” When I’m out and about, doing author events, this is the question I get most often. It’s understandable; we all like to see lifelong dreams realized. It inspires hope in us, that the things we’ve always longed for...
by Shannon Dittemore | Jan 11, 2019 | Author Life, Creativity, Productivity, Writing Life
Hello 2019! A couple weeks back, Jill, Steph and I talked about our goals for the year—for ourselves, yes, but mostly for Go Teen Writers. The word “joy” came up a lot, and as one year turned into the next, I began to hear the word everywhere. After a very hard 2018,...
by Shannon Dittemore | Dec 21, 2018 | Author Life, Creativity, First Drafts, Grow An Author, Productivity
This year we’ve been talking about drafting a novel. The process of moving from idea to finished first draft isn’t JUST about getting your story on the page. It’s also about growing in your discipline and your craft. It’s about planting the...