by Shannon Dittemore | Aug 14, 2020 | Creativity, Reading, The Craft of Writing, Writing, Writing Life, Writing Voice
I have a thing for real life history that plays out like fiction. Lately, I’ve been reading up on Robert Hanssen and Aldrich Ames. Two men, one from the FBI and one from the CIA, who sold American secrets to the Russian and Soviet intelligence services during and...
by Jill Williamson | Aug 12, 2020 | Brainstorming, Plot, Story Structure, Writing
Last week I posted a video of how I go about writing a sequel. If you missed it, you can watch it here. Within that video, I talked about how I used the Seven-Point Story Structure popularized by Dan Wells in this video to plot my story. Lydia asked in the comments...
by Stephanie Morrill | Jul 24, 2020 | Writing
For Part 1, click here! Last time I was on here, I talked a bit about my journey to writing what I call “soul-deep” characters—characters that readers feel like they know inside out, who challenge them and with whom they can identify. We covered my first two tips for...
by Stephanie Morrill | Jul 20, 2020 | Editing, Writing, Writing Life
I’m away for a few a few weeks, so I’m resurrecting a few posts from the archives. I hope you enjoy them! Also, for those doing the 100-for-100 writing challenge, today is day 50! Halfway there! Among the most confusing writing advice I’ve ever received is...
by Shannon Dittemore | Jul 10, 2020 | Author Life, Creativity, Encouragement, Getting Published, Writing, Writing Life
There’s a question I get asked a lot. The question can take many forms, of course: What’s your favorite part of writing a book? What do you love about this job? Why do you choose to do this to yourself? Lots of incarnations, but really, the same question....
by Stephanie Morrill | Jun 29, 2020 | Writing
Stephanie here. I’m so excited we have Shonna Slayton with us today! Shonna has written a book on fairy tale retellings, which I know many of you write! Not only does she have wisdom to share today, she is giving away two copies of her ebook Lessons Learned From...