You’ll find all these in the Extras section of Go Teen Writers: Edit Your Novel or the first edition, but here they are in a printable form for your convenience!
Self-Editing Checklist: This checklist is a great tool for after you’ve finished your first draft. It’ll also help you remember all the cool techniques you learned in the book!
Self-Editing Dialogue Checklist: A handy list to help you get the most out of your dialogue!
Story Brainstorming Questions: These are great questions to ask when you’re trying to flesh out your story ideas.
Character Traits Brainstorming List
Character Phobias Brainstorming List
Character Hobbies and Skills Brainstorming List
Scene Plotting Chart for One POV
Scene Plotting Chart for Two POVs
Stephanie and Jill’s Weasel Words and Phrases: This is a list of the words we like to double check our manuscript for.
Key Scenes List Single POV and Key Scenes List 2 POVs