November 30th, you guys. It is officially the last day of National Novel Writing Month. I’m posting this through a grin because neither Jill, Steph or I won NaNo this year. We gave it our best effort and pulled up short.

I have things to say to those of you who hit 50k and to those who did not. So, please, stick with me.

First things first, because a celebration is most definitely in order.

To those who won

Congratulations! You accomplished an amazing feat. History indicates that of the over 400,000 writers who started NaNoWriMo, less than 20% will hit 50k words by midnight tonight. You are a part of that hard working minority, and I’m so very proud of you.

I won’t rehash Jill’s post from yesterday, but please, go read it. So much good stuff there. About what comes next and where to go from here. Suffice it to say, getting 50k words on the page is just the beginning, friends. It’s a fantastic beginning, but in the days and weeks and months to come, you have more work to do.

My hope is that the foundation you’ve provided yourself—the consistent approach to writing, the planning, the sprinting, the doing anything at all to get words on the page—will pay off in dividends. I hope it sets a flame burning in your chest that says “I slayed NaNoWriMo. I can slay any goal I set for myself.”

Because you can. You have the ability to control the dedication and the passion. There’s no magic here. There is just your imagination and the power of discipline to see your story through to completion. You’re going to need both as an author. And I’m glad NaNoWriMo provided you with a taste of writerly accomplishment. Savor it–accomplishment is a seed that can grow and spread if you’ll water it diligently.

To those who did not hit their goal

I count myself among you, so know that you’re in good company. In a month where I intended to get at least half of my work in progress on the page, my family dealt with sickness and hard news from cousins in the Midwest. On top of that, I had some hefty (but exciting) career options placed in front of me.

Whenever I climbed into my chair to write, I had trouble sitting still long enough to get anything on the page. That’s a struggle I’m going to have to overcome as we get through the holidays. Because the work isn’t going to go away and neither is the reality of being a wife and mother with many, many responsibilities. As creatives, we must learn to juggle.

That said, I don’t regret a single thing. Living the creative life means taking wild shots and being brave. Attempting NaNoWriMo is both and I’m grateful for the 20k words I added to my manuscript.

If you didn’t hit your goal this month, I want you to hear this: do not stop setting goals. Whether you added a couple hundred new words or 40k, I’m guessing it’s more words than you would have added had you not set the goal in the first place. 

AND! Because of what you put on the page, you’ve given yourself options you didn’t have before. You can choose to edit those new words into relative perfection or you can cut them and start again. Decisions like this are only reserved for those who set goals and take steps to achieve them. So, truly, good job you.

I do want to acknowledge that sometimes we quit for reasons that have us feeling a bit embarrassed. I’m not going to ask you to share those reasons, but know that we understand. We’ve been there. And if you do want to be a person who doesn’t make quitting a habit, there are things you can do to change that.

Which brings me to my final point.

For everyone who set out to win NaNoWriMo

Whether you reach a goal or come up short, you should honor that moment with some kind of reflection.

I’m a big fan of looking back and taking stock. At this very moment, you may need to write another 2k words to hit 50k by midnight, you may have given up on your goal entirely, or maybe you’re just glad you survived the month and never want to write another word ever again. All very real.

But when you get some time, pull out a pen and paper and take yourself back through November. Jot down the high points and the low points. Things you learned and things that really hurt your storytelling.

And just like we did weekly, ask yourself some important questions:

What was hard this month? What was easy? What moments or choices set you back? And in what ways were you victorious?

If you’re prepared to answer those questions here and now, we’d love to give them a read and encourage you on. If you’re not quite ready, that’s okay too. Writing is a journey. Your road, your pace.

Either way, good job, friends. You were brave. You set a goal, and whether you reached it or not, we’re proud to know writers as courageous as you.