Hi, writers! It’s hard to believe that we are a week into 2019 already!

I ended 2018 and started 2019 teaching at a workshop for writers who have done the One Year Adventure Novel curriculum. I took no pictures (not really sure why???) so you’ll just have to take my word for it that it was a fantastic time.

I always find it so fulfilling to be around the next generation of writers. They are such an encouraging and creative bunch.

In other news, I still don’t have all my goals for 2019 figured out quite yet, but most of us are probably tired of goals posts anyway. Resolution posts are sooo last week.

Instead, I want to address a question that many of us ponder at some point in our journey as a writer: Why, write?

If you haven’t asked yourself this already—Why am I doing this?—I imagine the question will come eventually. Maybe when you’re walking harder paths on your journey with editing, publication, or critique groups. Or when life is really busy with school and work and homework, and you desperately want to prioritize writing, but also ask yourself why?

Or, maybe, if you’re like me, you won’t think about “why?” at all until you start hanging out with other writers. Until you start hearing others say things like, “I write because I want young people to know there’s hope.” Or, “I write because I think stories have the power to change others.”

I often left those conversations feeling selfish. What is wrong with me? Other writers want to better the world, want to improve lives, and I write it because I love and enjoy it so much. Surely, that’s not all writing is about for me! Surely, I’m not that self-involved!

I felt as though others had the “right” answer, and I had the wrong.

I don’t feel that way anymore.

I will now happily and boldly proclaim that I write because I love it. Writing brings me joy. I feel more like myself when I write.

Here’s what shifted for me. I began to know in my heart, not just in my head, that writing was a gift given to me upon my creation. Writing and stories were always there inside me, wanting to get out. I didn’t put that passion there, it just was.

I began to think about how much better a gift is when it’s received in love and used with joy.

We all know this, even if we don’t think about it. Say you give your sister a scarf that you picked out specifically for her because you thought she would love it. You give it to her, and she seems excited. You see her wear the scarf a lot, so you assume she loves it. But then you find out she wears it only because it seems like the right thing to do. She feels an obligation.

Yes, she’s still using the gift you gave her. But her motivation probably doesn’t make you feel very good. Maybe you even think, “I wish she just wouldn’t wear it if she only does so because she feels like she should.”

On the other hand, wouldn’t it make you, the gift giver, feel delighted to see her wear it if you knew she did so out of joy?

Let’s look at it a different way. What if you found out that your best friend primarily hangs out with you so she can help guide you morally? Sure, she enjoys you well-enough, but she primarily hangs out with you to help you.

That would suck, wouldn’t it? Who likes being someone else’s project? Nobody. 

You want your friend to be your friend because they like you. Not for any other reason. When you’re in trouble, of course you want their help, but you want them to help because they like you and care about you.

This is illustrated so well in Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them, when Jacob says to Newt, “You only kept me around because… Wait, why did you keep me around?” And Newt responds, “Because I like you. Because you’re my friend.” And it becomes so much harder for Jacob to walk away because that is a much more compelling reason than, “Because I wanted to help you.” Is there anything that makes us feel more whole and complete than when someone chooses to be with us JUST BECAUSE THEY WANT TO?

So why, then, would I feel selfish for writing—for enjoying the gift I’ve been given—because I love it? I don’t feel selfish for marrying my husband because I love him, or spending time with my friends just because I love them.

I want to be very clear that when I say this, I’m NOT saying, “Unless you write primarily because you love it, you are WRONG,” because I don’t believe that at all. I’m not here to judge anybody’s why … and that includes my own. I’m no longer going to dismiss my own why as not good enough.

If my stories help you, I am so glad. I love receiving emails and hearing that my stories have been beneficial, and each time I’m amazed/humbled by that lovely side effect. But when I sit down to write stories, I never ever think, “This is going to help a lot of people.” And I’ve finally reached a place where I’m 100% okay with that.

When did you start writing, and why have you continued?