I spent last weekend at the 2019 Realm Makers writers’ conference, where I saw several of you! I was amazed how many of you were there and absolutely thrilled to see you all.
I taught twice. I taught a class on worldbuilding and the post conference workshop on how to launch a book. I might try and work that into a post here after I return from Alaska. (I’m going to Alaska next week to see my family!)
This year’s keynote was author Brent Weeks, who I adore. I’ve only read one of his series, but he’s an incredible epic fantasy writer. So, so talented. Here are some gems from my notes:
Brent always tries to make his next book better. He wants to be constantly challenging himself to improve, lest he stagnate and write the same book over and over, leaving no surprises for his readers. After each book releases, he looks back and evaluates what he could have done better. Then he makes a list and chooses one thing to work on when writing the next book. I loved that he does this, and that he only picks ONE thing to work on, not all of the things.
My favorite quote from Brent: “There’s only one rule in writing: Readers have to turn the next page.”
Now, that’s a rule I can live with!

Also at Realm Makers this year was Terry Brooks of the Shannara Chronicles fame. I didn’t get to hear much from Terry since I was working, but I did get some pictures with him.

I tried to be evil, but I just kept smiling!

My question for you today: If you were to attend a conference like Realm Makers, would you dress up in cosplay? If so, who would you be?

I love reading Realm Makers recaps because it’s my dream writer’s conference!! Your cosplay as the White Witch is amazing. ? If I were to go to Realm Makers, I’d probably try to do something like a full-on Éowyn display from Lord of the Rings. Although…my cosplaying skills have not yet been tested, so I might have to get some help. ?
Éowyn is amazing. I have an Éowyn dress. Hope you can come to RM someday. I’m planning to go back in the summer of 2021. *fingers crossed*
Yes I would totally dress up. I would probably be Arwen from Lord of the Rings or Susan from Narnia.
Both amazing choices!
That conference sound so cool. I need to find a good writers’ conference in my area.
I loved Brent Weeks’ advice and your White Queen costume. If I were to go to a place like Realm Makers, I probably would want to dress up. I’ve never cosplayed before, but I always love getting dressed up for Halloween, so I think that it could be fun. Not sure who I’d be though.
Yes! Do try and find a local writing conference, or you could save up for Realm Makers (if you write fantasy of sci fi). I won’t be able to go to RM next year, but it’s on my calendar for 2021.
I would love to go to a writer’s conference! I would dress up as Susan or Lucy from Narnia.
Perfect! We could have matched. 🙂
It was a DELIGHT to get to meet you at RM! The Blood of Kings trilogy is seriously one of my top favorite series and I’ve been following GTW for yeeears now. It was a game-changer for my writing. I am so grateful for all you do, and meeting with you in person was an honor!
Also, your White Witch cosplay was MIND. BLOWING.
So great to meet you, Christine. It’s a wonderful conference, isn’t it. I’m so glad I got to go! Thanks for being a Go Teen Writer. We’re all so glad it’s been a help to your writing. <3
I would love to go to a writer’s conference too! I think I’d dress up as Lisa Friesen from the Archives of Anthropos series by John White. It’s similar to Narnia.
Nice! That would be awesome. 🙂
I was at Realm Makers! I was dressed up as a character from my newest WIP. Your costume was SO AMAZING!!!
Also, your world-building class was one of my favorite sessions. Thank you so much for teaching it and for the work that you do here at GTW.
Oh, and The Blood of Kings trilogy is great too!?
Thanks so much times four, Hailey! 😉 It was a great conference, wasn’t it?
Love your costume! Next time I go I’ll probably dress up … But I don’t know as who ;D I love that rule .. turn each page! It’s a hard one, but good 😉