Jill, Shannon, and I are so excited to tell you that we’ve been secretly working on a new Go Teen Writers book!

This one is called Go Teen Writers: Write Your Novel and we wrote it with the beginning writer in mind. We know it’s hard to finish a first draft. We know it’s hard to stay motivated to write ONE story instead of flitting from shiny idea to shiny idea. We know it’s hard to feel like a “real” writer. We know because we’ve been there too, and we want to share what we’ve learned along the way.

The three of us have been dreaming about writing this book for several years now, and it’s hard to believe that December 3rd we will finally get to share it with all of you!

Right now, we’re looking for some help with revealing our cover later in September. If you have a blog or public social account, we would love to have your help! You can sign up by clicking here.

To you, what feels like the hardest part of finishing a first draft?