We made it to release day, friends!
It feels like forever since Jill, Steph and I first discussed writing a book about drafting a novel, but we’re not the only ones who’ve been patient. I don’t want to downplay your role in this whole thing.
You. Yes, you. The teen writer on the other side of this screen.
If it wasn’t for you, sitting there, reading our blog, picking up the tools we recommend, trying them in your hands, and turning this into a community with your very presence, we wouldn’t be where we are. And where we are is pretty stinking cool.
Four years running this blog has been selected by Writer’s Digest as a 101 Best Websites for Writers selection. We’ve also seen several of our young writers go on to publish their very own books while others have landed industry jobs. You make this blog what it is. And it was this blog that inspired our book.
So thank you. For showing up here. For joining our discussions on the craft of writing and the publishing industry. For participating in our contests and writing exercises. For asking questions. And for reminding three grown-up YA novelists what it’s really like to be a teen. It’s our pleasure to present this book to you today. You can find it at your favorite online retailer, and here are a few of those links for you:
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | IndieBound | Bookshop
We also want to extend an enormous THANK YOU to author Roseanna White. Not only has she contributed to the book, but she designed our striking cover. And what a cover it is! Thank you, Roseanna. From the bottom of our hearts!

And don’t forget! We have gifts!
A reminder that through the end of the year, we’re offering purchase incentives. The first 100 readers who submit their receipt and mailing address via this form, will:
-Receive (1) bookplate personalized to the person of your choice and signed by all three authors: Stephanie Morrill, Jill Williamson, and Shannon Dittemore.
-Receive (1) Go Teen Writers bookmark.
-Be entered to win 1 of 10 spots in a virtual “Ask Us Anything” session with all three authors (to take place in early 2021).

Aren’t these bookplates lovely? Roseanna designed those for us too. We’ve been playing tag with them, signing a stack and sending them across the country for the next author to autograph. It reminds me just how big this community has gotten, and we want you to know how proud we are to write alongside each of you. Thank you for making room for us in your schedules and on your shelves. We couldn’t be more grateful.
Happy reading, friends.
Stephanie, Jill, & Shannon
I got this on ebook so I can have it right away, and IT IS AMAZING!!!!! Thank you so much for writing this. I love it.
Oh, Ashie, that makes me SOOO happy! Thank you for sharing your writing journey with us!
Hooray! Thank you, Ashie!!!
WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go GO TEEN WRITERS!!!! You guys are just THE BEST!!! Aw, ya’ll are TOO SWEET! THANK YOU for giving us this awesome commnuity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m gonna pull out my special Emojis I ONLY use on special occasions: ??? *throws out party streamers* CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!! I worked hard to get the post on my blog about the release day today, up bright and early, so my readers and me would have ALL DAY TO CELEBRATE!!!!!!!
Thanks so much, Issabelle! We’re so glad to have you with us and to have you sharing our beautiful new book!
Book! Book! Book! Book! Book! Book! Book! Book! Book! Book! Book! Book! Book! Book! Book! Book! Book! Book! Book! Book! Book! Book! Book! (I know I did the same thing on Issabelle’s site, but whatever!)
WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO NEW BOOK! *Bakes GTW cupcakes* *decorates every inch of the house* *waves cheerfully to my brothers who are looking at me like I’m some kind of maniac* *blows up an insane amount of balloons* *considers whether or not this is too many asterisks* *laughs maniacally at the thought of too many asterisks* *joyfully floats to B&N, where I get the book and, because I was left unsupervised, about seventeen more*
*pants* Uh. That’s was…. NEVER MIND! Congrats, Jill, Stephanie, and Shannon, on Write Your Novel! Thank you for giving us GTW to have a fun place to laugh, use too many asterisks, and learn more about writing.
Hehehe, you did do the whole book thing on my site! 😉 BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOVE ALL OF YOU ASTERISKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I should probably to to B&N with you, to supervise ’cause seventeen books is SOOO NOT ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD 😉
You’re very welcome, Ally! We’re glad you can be silly here!
??????????????? Asterisks are so much fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*singing that GTW new book is here* *buys Kool-aid to go with the cupcakes* *throws party streamers* *goes to B&N with Ally to buy twenty copies of the book*
Ally, it looks like I safely returned from the refrigerator.?
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’M SOOOOOOOOO HAPPY THIS BOOK IS OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CAN’T WAIT TO READ IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??? I think It will be very helpful in my writing. I’ve wanted to be a writer since I was very very little. I have to admit I’ve had my doubts through the years, but I know this book will be a BIG help. Maybe there’s hope for me. Thank you for writing it!!!!!!!! <3
P.S. the cover is so beautiful!!!!!! <3
Thank you for being so excited, Katherine! Of course there is hope for you! Just keep writing, and you’ll improve. 🙂
Congratulations! I’m so eager to read it. I found GTW a few years back from searching writing books on Amazon and the website and first book have been so helpful for me!
Thanks, Bethany! We’re so glad you found us. 🙂
I’m sooooo excited for this book!!!! Congratulations on the release!! I’m so excited to read it, and I’m gonna go order it as soon as I can!!!! GTW has been such a huge help with my writing and has been so encouraging! Thanks for all of the help!
Also, I’ve used exclamation marks at the end of every sentence in this comment, but this book deserves all of the exclamation marks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you! We’re so glad this site has been a help to you. And blog posts are not novels, so they can have ALL the exclamation points!!!!! 😉
(how come I always forget to check this?)
I’m so excited this book is out! I may not be able to wait til Christmas to read it. I might have to get it as an early Christmas present to myself. Also, it Is AMAZING that all three of you teamed up for a book – gonna be fantastic.
Thank you so much, Macey! We hope you enjoy it as much as we enjoyed writing it. 🙂