by Shannon Dittemore | Apr 12, 2019 | Author Life, Creativity, Mailbag, Productivity
Today’s question comes from Rachel and it’s a good one. You can definitely feel her angst and, boy, can I relate. I just feel so stuck. Why is writing so stupidly hard now?I’ve never written an editable book before, so I keep second guessing myself....
by Shannon Dittemore | Apr 5, 2019 | Writing Exercise
Good morning, friends! I have a fun writing exercise for you today. It’s one I do with my kids all the time, but I don’t think we’ve ever done one like this before here at Go Teen Writers. Which, honestly, is a bit of a tragedy because it’s...
by Shannon Dittemore | Mar 29, 2019 | Author Life, Reading, Writing, Writing Life
Do you ever think about how you got to where you are right now? I’m an introspective person, so I chew on stuff like this a lot. Lately, I’ve been thinking about my time in publishing and how it was I decided to pursue storytelling as a career. I’ve...
by Shannon Dittemore | Mar 22, 2019 | Writing
You guys are catching me in a funny place. I just finished an edit on my latest manuscript and I’m feeling all sorts of strange about telling folks how to write books. Writing books is hard. As I went through my manuscript, I found many, many places where I broke the...
by Shannon Dittemore | Mar 15, 2019 | Writing Exercise
It’s FRIDAY, you guys! To celebrate the end of the week and to exercise our writing muscles, let’s play a game. Here’s how it works: Below, you’ll find a chart with three columns: Character, Setting, and Trait. Your mission, should you choose...